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Face 2 Face - is a service for comparing two faces. The service gives the result in the form of the percentage of similarity of faces in fractional and percentage ratio.

To use this service, you need to have the organization's API-KEY, as well as two photos of faces for comparison.

The stepsfor using this technology are described in more detail below. You can also check the OpenAPI-specification of all available technologies to use.


1. Obtaining API-KEY of the organization#

The first step to use the technology is to obtain the organization's API-KEY. To get the organization's API-KEY, you need to go to Personal Cabinet by following this link. API-KEY is in the Backend Api Key field.


An example of an organization's API-KEY:

API-KEY: Efy202XKbVAWRu...


The shortened length of the API KEYis used for clarity. Its actual length is 47 characters or more.

2. Sending a facial comparison request#

Data in multipart/form-data format is used in requests to our service. The response data from the service will be presented in JSON format.


To use this service, you must have a subscription to it. You can read more about subscriptions here.

Request URL:

Request format Request method
multipart/form-data POST

API KEY must be passed in the request body:

Field name Type Obligatorily Description
api_key String Yes API KEY of the organization in the personal cabinet
img_1 File Yes First picture of the face
img_2 File Yes Second picture of the face

Request examples:

    curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
    -F 'img_1=@<path_to_face_photo_1;type=image/<image_extension>' \
    -F 'img_2=@<path_to_face_photo_2;type=image/<image_extension>' \
    -F 'api_key=<organization_api_key>'
import requests

url = ''
headers = {
    'accept': 'application/json',

face_path_1 = "<path_to_face_photo_1>"
face_path_2 = "<path_to_face_photo_2>"

files = {
    'img_1': (face_path_1, open(face_path_1, 'rb'), 'image/<image_extension>'),
    'img_2': (face_path_2, open(face_path_2, 'rb'), 'image/<image_extension>'),
data = {
    'api_key': '<organization_api_key>',

response =, headers=headers, files=files, data=data)

    dependencies to install via npm: 
    form-data, fs, node-fetch

import FormData from 'form-data';
import fs from 'fs';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';

const face_path_1 = "<path_to_face_photo_1>";
const face_path_2 = "<path_to_face_photo_2>";

const url = '';
const apiKey = '<organization_api_key>';

const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('img_1', fs.createReadStream(face_path_1));
formData.append('img_2', fs.createReadStream(face_path_2));
formData.append('api_key', apiKey);

fetch(url, {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'accept': 'application/json',
  body: formData
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => console.log(data))
.catch(error => console.error(error));

The response will be JSON with the following fields:

  • result - result of comparing two faces;
  • prediction - fractional similarity value of two faces;
  • prediction_percent - percentage similarity of two faces.

Response example:

  "result": true,
  "prediction": 0.9636,
  "prediction_percent": 96


Код состояния Response Description
400 No face found No face found. Occurs if there is no face in the photo
400 Can`t connect to face2face service Failed to connect to face2face service
400 Client does not have access to Face2Face technology Client does not have access to the technology. Reasons: No subscription, or it has expired, or the technology is not active
400 Face2Face result does not exist No result, send photo comparison request
415 Not allowed file, valid extensions: .jpg .png .jpeg Invalid file extension, valid: .jpg .png .jpeg
400 Subscription has not started Subscription has not been activated yet
400 No active or future subscription for technology No active or future subscription to the technology
400 Client does not have subscription Client does not have a subscription, you can read more about subscriptions here